Indian Scenario


Significance of Plagiarism Detection Tool in India

Plagiarism is a form of stealing. It occurs when someone uses another person’s work without providing proper credit. The idea of plagiarism is quite old. It has increased in the digital age. Too much availability of information is the reason behind it.

Most countries have taken a strict stand against plagiarism. India is not an exception. Plagiarism in India directly does not come under the law. However, it comes under the Copyright Act on most occasions. It can also have adverse effects on the career of the content creator. The writers can use plagiarism detection tools. It can help them to avoid any form of plagiarism in India.

Why is Plagiarism Checking Important?

The concept of plagiarism is not new, but acknowledging it as an intellectual theft is somewhat relatively new. With technological advances, digital platforms are getting much preference as a publishing medium.

Many students and researchers do not have a clear idea about plagiarism. Hence, they may end up copying parts of an article and use it under their name without any credit. Similar things may happen to music, paintings, photographs as well. On occasions, many people intentionally plagiarise, considering that it may not get noticed.

Both the writer and publisher are responsible for a plagiarised article. The reader can quickly check any text for duplicate content using a plagiarism detection tool. Suppose an article has some duplicate or copied content. In that case, it can affect the writer’s career or the academic progress of the student.

The website that has published the work instantly removes it as it may decrease its traffic. The writer may lose his readership and can also end up losing his credibility.

How Search Engines Treat Copied Content?

Search Engines like Google takes the idea of copied content seriously. For better user experience, they remove any site with similar content. 

The webpage gets a lower SEO rank, and hence it may not appear in the search result. For this reason, the website owners and publishers must check for copied content before publishing any article.

For blogs, the bloggers must be careful about posting any copied content, and therefore they must use plagiarism detection tools. If they are using blogs to promote products or online marketing, they may lose their trustworthiness.

As for online business, the website or blog posts create an initial impression. The product may fail to grab the attention of the attention of the audience.


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